Sunday, December 29, 2019

Water Pollution Is A Problem That Effects All Living Things

Water pollution is a problem that effects all living things. Every living organism on the earth needs water to survive. When the water is polluted, it not only effects the plants and animals, it harms people. Taking care of this planet s water is very important to the short term and long term survival of living things. The oceans are constantly being polluted by individuals and many industries. These waters must be cleaned up before the costs are too great and the damages beyond repair. Action to clean up the Earth s water supply is long overdue. People in all countries must begin to take action. Plans must be made to get rid of water pollution and prevent any further destruction of the only source of water that the earth has. The actions taken will not only make the planet safer and cleaner for now, but for generations to come. For years, the world has thought the oceans are much too big to be effected by human action. The idea that the ocean is indestructible has met its end. Peter Weber, a Research Associate at the World Watch Institute says, Today, with technologies that allow us to penetrate the salt water depths, we have discovered that despite their size and imperturbable appearance, the oceans are vulnerable to the same unsustainable trends that are degrading the terrestrial environment.† The oceans are one of the most important natural resources on the planet. Many plants, fish, and mammals have made the ocean their home. Much of the world s human populationShow MoreRelatedWater Pollution Is A Problem That Effects All Living Things1128 Words   |  5 PagesWater pollution is a problem that effects all living things. Every living organism on the earth needs water to survive. When the water is polluted, it not only effects the plants and animals, it harms people. Taking care of this planet s wa ter is very important to the short term and long term survival of living things. The oceans are constantly being polluted by individuals and many industries. These waters must be cleaned up before the costs are too great and the damages beyond repair. Action toRead MoreThe Effects Of Pollution On Our Planet1081 Words   |  5 Pagesways of pollution. How long is it going to be until people start to worry about the damage we are doing to our own home? Many people and families are being affected by pollution every single day. It can cause a variety of health problems that can possibly even lead to death. It’s extremely difficult for people to live in heavily polluted areas. The effects of pollution can sometimes last a lifetime. Not just on humans, but animals and plants too. All living things experience the same problems in theseRead MoreThe Hazardous Effects of Pollution to the Environment and Human Health.Docx Uploaded Successfully1376 Words   |  6 PagesThe Hazardous E ffects of Pollution to the Environment and Human Health Abstract Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes adverse change. It can take the form of chemical substances or energy. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. It is any discharge of material or energy into water, land, or air that causes or may cause acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) detrimentRead MoreWater Pollution Is An Issue Of Great Concern992 Words   |  4 PagesWater pollution has become an issue of great concern in our society. Many of today’s water ecosystems and drinking water are being polluted and destroyed as we speak. There are many types of water ecosystems such as oceans, rivers, lakes, and ponds witch provide homes to many different organisms. There are overwhelming factors that contribute to the problems of water pollution such as sewage, radioactive wastes, improper disposal of trash on land, and careless beachgoers. These are all significantRead MoreThe Great Lakes And The Forests1349 Words   |  6 PagesThe Great Lakes and the forests in Canada are both in severe states. Deforestation and pollution have caused short and long term effects that not only impact human health, but ecosystems as well. In order to mitigate these issues there needs to be action plans and individuals dedicated, and willing to help. The great lakes are 5 interconnected lakes throughout Canada and the USA, which flood out to the Atlantic Ocean. â€Å"Over the last 30 years there has been a decrease in point-source depollution,Read MoreThe Environmental Disasters Of The World And Living Things Within It Since The Industrial Revolution And The Development Of1146 Words   |  5 PagesPollution has plagued the world and living things within it since the industrial revolution and the development of new technology. While some people might know the effects of the environmental disasters that have occurred through the years, other do not. Maya Lin created a collaborative memorial to try to gear people’s attention to the problems being faced in the environment. The collaborative memorial can easily be accessed by anyone who has a computer and internet access. For example, the BP oilRead MoreThe Environmental Disasters Of The World And Living Things Within It Since The Industrial Revolution And The Development Of1 153 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is Missing? Pollution has plagued the world and living things within it since the industrial revolution and the development of new technology. While some people might know the effects of the environmental disasters that have occurred through the years, other do not. Maya Lin created a collaborative memorial to try to gear people’s attention to the problems being faced in the environment. The collaborative memorial can easily be accessed by anyone who has a computer and internet access. For exampleRead MorePoison Water Essay1030 Words   |  5 PagesPoison Water The consequence of polluting the earth is constantly ignored by human beings. Pollution is dangerous and harmful to both living things and the environment. Chemical waste, fertilizer and numerous additional are one of the most important affect which is leading us to damaging possessions of water pollution, Pollution should be condensed in order to make available a cleaner environment and generate healthy living environment and habitat for all life forms on earth. Water pollution alsoRead MorePollution As An Environmental Problem1426 Words   |  6 PagesPOLLUTION AS AN ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM Introduction The environment is always facing sudden changes due to natural forces like the eruption of volcanic and earthquakes. However human activities have in the recent times being blamed as the major contributor to the majority of the environmental problems that there are today. Among the numerous environmental issues is pollution. Human activities have been solely responsible for soil, water, and air pollution that has made the entire environment pollutedRead MorePollution Regulations And Its Effects On The Pollution Of The Bay, Along With Sewage Treatment1559 Words   |  7 Pagessource of pollution in the Bay, along with sewage treatment plants. After regulations were put in place to correct these pollution point sources, local governments were required to establish and implement plans for improving the pollution from non-point sources and their impact on the TMDL. After years of committing to specific deadlines for a 40 percent reduction in nutrient pollution and missing those deadline s without consequences, the EPA took another approach, a mandatory pollution diet for the

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Resurrection Of Former Prisons Across The World

Prison Theory The resurrection of former prisons across the world has equally captured the awareness of tourists and scholars alike. While prison museums, as a result of their bleak and in some cases disturbing subject matter, invert the â€Å"Disney† experience, they proceed to exploit a phenomenon known as dark tourism,† . . . in which people gravitate to sites associated with war, genocide, and other tragic events for purposes of remembrance education, or even entertainment,† (Welch, 1). Generated in order to convey the aforementioned purpose, the â€Å"museum effect† subjects visitors of the prison museums to a multilayered encounter with objects, images and space. Utilizing models such as The Clink, Alcatraz, Eastern State Penitentiary, and Seodaemun prison, this papers purpose is to illustrate the success of the museum effect in achieving its desired ends of remembrance through memorialization, education and culturalization through use of images and sp ace, and entertainment through the use of objects. Space In order to develop a proper understanding of the museum effect, one must understand each aspect that contributes to the effect, the first being space. No prison structure better describes the use of space than Eastern State Penitentiary. Designed by John Haviland, and opened on October 25thth 1829, Eastern State, also known as the model prison is considered to be the world’s first true penitentiary. Haviland designed the penitentiary using a new architecture scheme dubbedShow MoreRelatedThe French Revolution2967 Words   |  12 Pagesthe past eighteen years. Accompanied by Manette’s daughter, Lucie, Lorry sets out to France to reclaim Manette. Upon meeting the doctor, it is easily apparent that his time in prison has been detrimental to his mental health. The doctor sits in the cellar of a wine shop, making shoes and repeating the number of his prison cell. However, the sight and touch of his daughter, Lucie, reinvigorates him, and slowly, Dr. Manette begins to retur n to normal. He accompanies his daughter and Lorry back to LondonRead MoreGeorge Whitefield s The Great Awakening1401 Words   |  6 Pagestime when you saw God’s hand in the world like never before. When looking back in history, specifically Christian history, we would say that George Whitefield truly made his mark on history during the evangelical awakening. He was one of the biggest proponents in spreading the word of God, and he was not to go unnoticed. However, how much do we really know about such an important historic event? The Great Awakening is known as a religious revival that swept across the European, American colonies duringRead MoreApologetic Artice Review2836 Words   |  12 Pagesoutward behavior that validates the information to the world? Is it both â€Å"information† and â€Å"incarnation†? Read and respond on discussion board. Subject: Incarnational Apologetics Definition: â€Å"Incarnational† Apologetics is the representative public and private lifestyle of a Christian that validates to the world the absolute truths of the Bible. It should be the natural result of a â€Å"born again† experience and is communicated to the world through both actions and attitudes of Christians asRead MoreThe Millennial Reign of Christ5563 Words   |  23 Pagesthousand-year period depicted in the book of Revelation. Some teach this period is entirely symbolic, and not worth fretting over. Others say we’re in the Millennium now, and that it began when Jesus Christ defeated Satan by His death, burial, and resurrection. Most prophecy teachers contend that this apocalyptic period is still future, that it will immediately follow the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and will be a time of universal peace on earth as Jesus Christ governs all nations from Jerusalem. Read MoreH. H. Holmes1891 Words   |  8 Pageslearned enough. For the next two years after graduating he perfects his conning skills in numerous Midwestern states. In order to avoid being recognized by former acquaintances coming forward with accusations of fraud, poisoning, or death, he changes his identity to Henry Howard Holmes, H.H. Holmes. H.H. Holmes arrived in Chicago during its resurrection from the Great Chicago Fire; Chicago was becoming a booming financial city known for real estate development and people looking for jobs. H.H. HolmesRead MoreWrongful Convictions And Its Effect On Society6680 Words   |  27 Pagesexperience great amounts of hardship once released back into society. There are flaws in the justice system, which make it extremely difficult for exonerees to experience true freedom. Wrongful convictions occur not only in the United States, but also across the entire globe. It is a serious injustice when an innocent person is forced to experience life as a convicted felon. Causes of Wrongful Convictions â€Å"Although numerous cases of wrongful convictions have been documented in the literature and in theRead MoreThe Impact Of Beethoven On The Development Of The Symphony Until Mahler3555 Words   |  15 Pagesstood for, appealing to the impassionate democrat Beethoven. Music was no longer an elitist art form. The first movement is a fine example of Beethoven’s explicit creativity within a classical sonata form, expanding on the rigid harmonic rules of his former teacher Haydn. The development section with its constant modulation defies convention completely by introducing an (arguably) new theme* in the celli and oboes, leading into an astonishingly long coda, with its disconcerting and abrupt key successionRead More Michael Sattler and the Anabaptist Movement Essay3014 Words   |  13 Pagesthe unification and survival of the Anabaptist movement and its teachings. In addition, the radical ideas of Sattler and other Anabaptists have helped shape Western culture as we know it today. The contributions of Sattler to the greater Christian world are undeniable. This essay will engage the life, teaching, writings, and influence of the martyr Michael Sattler. A Summary of the Life of Michael Sattler nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Very little is known about the childhood and early adult lifeRead MoreEssay About This Day In The New World8472 Words   |  34 Pageshearts. Our children must be taught to carry our heritage the rest of their lives. Let them become strong in this new world and live happily, to prosper and live in peace. As a representative of the government of Colombia, I will sign the Agreement of Concession as I have been invited to do by the Crown of Utopia. Let this day mark a new beginning. Let this day bring solace and well-being to our people. The mayor turned away, his strength having left him, and sat behind the table that held theRead MoreBible Versus the Toran12356 Words   |  50 Pagesthe Islamic faith and Christianity, also comparing two great leaders who gave their life for civil rights and justice to man-kind as a whole. Both coming from a Baptist background and Afro-Americans. Their christianty and islamic beliefs brought world leaders to know that they have a strong connection together. By me being Catholic/ Prostestant of faith I gained a excellent outlook of the Islam religion and practices, the peoples as a whole and the unity of both religions. (2)

Friday, December 13, 2019

Thomas Hart Benton Free Essays

Thomas Hart Benton was born in Neosho, Missouri in 1889. His family had a notable political history: his father being a congressman. Benton’s family had a political career planed for him from the beginning. We will write a custom essay sample on Thomas Hart Benton or any similar topic only for you Order Now To this he always rebelled, as he had a natural inclination towards art. In 1907 the artist began his studies at the Art Institute of Chicago. However two years later he decided to travel to Paris to continue his studies in the capital of the classic academic art. He learned many European styles and tried them all by turns, but neither of them would connect with his personal vision. It was the beginning of the 20th century and the esthetic perception of people was confused by the successive parading of many different movements that lived shortly and were replaced by new ideas. The world of art was then unsteady and in constant motion. Benton eventually eliminated all the modern influence and turned to his own style, a mixture of other European visions, that blended together to create an exclusive, very personal approach to the realistic idea. He decided to look for his own style as he returned to the States four years later. He worked as a draftsman for the United States Navy in 1919 and this period changed his technique dramatically. During this stage he created many sketches portraying ship life, which gave him a new perspective and subject for his future work: the use of simple life scenes as theme for his pictures. The artist adopted the new style of Scene Painting and began to create works of art in a more realistic and traditional perspective, joining the style known as Regionalism, that was taking over the American interest of the era. Between the 1920 and 1940 there was an artistic phenomenon in America known as Scene Painting. It was a style of naturalist tendency that evolved from the instability that World War I caused into the mentality of people. Many American artists began to reject the modern esthetic ideas that migrated from Europe to New York and they started to pursue a return to the academic vision. The search for realistic representation drew their attention towards urban and rural scenes. Most of those works bring together the balance between the romanticism of the American everyday life, combined with the nationalist vision of the period. Some pieces portray typical scenes from small towns, in a kind of social art style that displays the realism of the typical living. Some concentrated on country scenes while others preferred to illustrate the urban ambiance. The style known as Regionalism is mostly concentrated on small-town scenes. This movement grew in America in the first half of the 20th century as artists rejected the city life and turned their attention towards the rural side of society. In a country where everything was focused on progress, modernization and fast-growing technology, the charms of rural life attracted the interest of the artists almost in the same way that Far East appeal had stimulated the creative imagination of Romanticist painters. During the Great Depression this style was greatly appreciated because it brought the spirit of the American quiet life of the heartland, at a time when people were concerned, panicked and threatened by the very modern world they had worshipped so far, that seemed to be collapsing. The peaceful images of the country life were reassuring in the middle of the chaos. The fall of Wall Street, the Great Depression and the growing fascism in Europe brought a period of auto-reflection in America and a rising isolation towards Europe, in the artistic scene as well as the political stage. In the eyes of many Americans the abstractionism of modern European art symbolized an emergent decadence of European culture, a lack of imagination that demonstrated a poor state of spirit in the old world. This provoked the return to the realistic art of images and the pursuit for something truly and purely American to adopt as subjects for future works. Together with social realism, the Regionalists produced images about the United States that covered subjects going from the sinister loneliness of the country fields to the arrogance and splendor of a new rural paradise. Scenes portraying country houses and farms by Charles Burchfield and the desolated images of the urban America of Edward Hopper create an intense sensation of loneliness and despair. The expressionistic and fantastic style used in those pieces offer the paintings a desolated aspect that reminds the viewer of the boring quotidian existence of a provincial community. This is a quality that might pass as poetic, fantastic, romantic and deeply psychological. With the many changes going on in the country, the American public and artists gradually detached from the European style they had formerly admired. The vogue was no longer to accept the Parisian taste, or pursue French artists established in New York. A new generation was searching for a pure American vision, a form of art that would illustrate the typical American scenes, from their local points of view. Regionalism was â€Å"a reaction against the European domination of American art† (Brady M. Roberts, (1995) p. 1) Between the effects of the war, the Great Depression and the fast paced modernization chase, the United States seemed like a very hard place, cold, rough and threatening. Scene Paintings suggest the transitory lives of people that come and go, but also suggest the steady situation of characters trapped in the eternal routine of rural existence, creating a very psychological atmosphere, that contrasts with the image of the cold stone-made civilizations Americans lived in. Rural was at the same time exotic and common, and offered a great subject for artists since it combined open nature, landscape and everyday scenes. Regionalist style had its main period around the 1930 to 1935. How to cite Thomas Hart Benton, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Terror and Repression in Nazi Germany free essay sample

One of the key proponents of Nazi ideology was a promise to birth a new Germany. This promise of national rebirth resonated strongly in the early 1930s, when the Weimar Republic was shaken to the core by economic and political crisis. At the centre of the Nazi vision stood the ‘national community’, depicted as the polar opposite to the conflict- ridden Weimar society. In a speech witnessed by the nation in January 1932, one year before his appointment as German chancellor, Adolf Hitler concluded that the resurrection of Germany depended on the creation of a ‘healthy, national, and strong’ community. But Hitler made clear that not everyone would be allowed to join: those who endangered the ‘body of the people’ had to be ruthlessly excluded. This was no joke. Hitler and other Nazi leaders had talked for years about the need to ‘cleanse’ Germany of various ‘community aliens’ (Gemeinschaftsfremde). Only by removing from society all that was alien, sick, and dangerous, they claimed, could the uniform ‘national community’ emerge. Nazi leaders had no complete plan for the execution of their devastating vision. But it was clear that they envisaged, from early on, a fierce campaign of repression, targeting three groups in particular: political opponents (predominately left), social outcasts, and ‘racial aliens’ (Jews). Well before they gained power, the Nazis believed that an extensive policy of exclusion was needed for national salvation: their dream of a brighter future for Germany was always a dream of terror and destruction for those unfortunate enough to stand in the way. After Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, he took every opportunity to turn Germany into a one-party dictatorship. He also strategized carefully to arrange the police power necessary to implement his long-term policies of racial purification and European conquest both inside and outside the legalities of the German constitution. On the night of February 27-28, 1933, a mentally disabled Dutch citizen set fire to the German parliament building, the Reichstag. Hitler and his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, presented the incident as the prelude to an armed Communist uprising and persuaded the then President Paul von Hindenburg to establish what became a permanent state of emergency. This decree, known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, suspended the provisions of the German constitution that protected basic individual rights, including freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly. The decree also allowed increased state and police intervention into private life, allowing officials to censor mail, listen in on phone conversations, and search private homes without a warrant or need to show reasonable cause. Essentially, the lives of all German citizens were controlled, and repression was vehemently practiced. Under the state of emergency established by the decree, the Nazi regime could seize and detain citizens without reason and without restrictions on the length of imprisonment. Nazi policy against those on the borders of society involved various forms of discrimination. Social outcasts were excluded from an ever increasing number of benefits—from marriage loans to social housing—and those still on welfare had their benefits cut dramatically. Numerous cities established special ‘colonies’ where ‘anti-social’ and ‘degenerate’ families, were forced to live in a strictly controlled environment. On top of this, regional and national centers were set up to collect data on suspected individuals, such as abortionists and homosexuals. This was not just about keeping an eye on them. It was also supposed to aid their detention, and inject even more terror into a country stricken with it. Hitler and the Nazi regime also resorted to simple and extra-legal terror to intimidate opponents (in a political sense). Nazi paramilitary formations, such as the Sturmabteilungen or SA, more commonly known as Storm Troopers and the Protection Squads (Schutzstaffel or SS), had been established during the 1920s to terrorize political opponents and to protect Nazi leaders. After the Nazis came to power, many members of these units were recruited as auxiliary policemen and given license to beat or kill persons at any given time, who they deemed to be opponents. Gleichschaltung was a word made up by the Nazis to describe their plans to establish totalitarian control over German political, economic and social life. By 1934, almost 1 million Germans gathered around the nation to declare a personal oath of loyalty to Hitler. For those who were not so enthusiastic, the Nazi reign of terror began almost immediately. Following their assumption of power, the Nazisswayed the state via propaganda, legal exclusion, intimidation, imprisonment and murder to eliminate any opposition to their revolution. After the Reichstag fire, socialists, communists and Democrats were taken to Dachau, one of the first Nazi concentration camps. The brutal reputation of Himmler’s secret police ensured that people who did not actively support the Nazis were too frightened to oppose them. While Gleichschaltung was used to describe the legal measures taken by Hitler and the Nazis from 1933 to 1934, this process continued until all aspects of German society were under Nazi control. By 1937, the Nazis controlled Germans’ political, cultural and social lives to an unprecedented degree. â€Å"The period from 1933 to around 1937 was characterized by the systematic elimination of non-Nazi organizations that could potentially influence people, such as trade unions and political parties. The regime also challenged the influence of the churches, for example by instituting the Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs under Hanns Kerrl. Organizations that the administration could not eliminate, such as the schools, came under its direct control. †

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Affirmative Action And Discrimination Essays - Social Inequality

Affirmative Action And Discrimination What is affirmative action? This has been a very interesting question throughout the past thirty years. Many people would like to answer it with simply the name given to programs that try to correct past and ongoing discriminations against women, racial minorities, and others in the work force and in education. Where this answer may be a good textbook style response, not all people agree with it. Affirmative action was created out of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It actually went into effect out of an Executive order that was delivered by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. He wanted to do more than what the non-discrimination laws of the time were trying to accomplish. He also wanted to see minorities and women get a better chance at advancement in their current jobs. President Nixon, whom also implemented the same Executive order, kept affirmative action alive. President Ford helped to update affirmative action by adding the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act of 1974. Years later President Carter created an office to handle affirmative action cases that dealt with the contract aspects of the original Affirmative Action plan, and called it the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. There were three prime aspects of affirmative action that fell into place. The first was affirmative action in employment. The second area is affirmative action dealing with contracts. The third area of affirmative action deals with the area of education. When we look at the affirmative action plans of employment, this is one area that most all of us have came into contact at some point in our lives. When you and I go to apply for a job with a company, we feel that if we are the best qualified for the position that we should receive it. This is the way that most normal people would feel. With Affirmative Action, this idea of the best-qualified person for the job is not a reality. Not all companies still go with the idea of Affirmative Action as a written policy, but may still have it as an acting practice in their hiring. Throughout the past thirty years many people have been promoted, hired, or even fired based upon their color of their skin, or on the basis of their sex. Does this sound like a very fair thing to do? Most would not think so, but it is a reality that Affirmative Action has put into play. In May of 1994 at St. Bonaventure University, the president of the university fired 22 of his faculty members for being males. He openly admitted that the firings were based on gender and not qualifications. Some of these professors' even had tenure that were fired. Needless to say, a group of twelve of the men went to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and brought up charges on the school. This is not the only example of a bias workplace that is moving in a reverse discriminatory fashion. There are many other businesses and companies that like to give special considerations to the minorities and females, just so that they can put off some appearance that they are trying to be fair to all of their employees. This idea of hiring anyone that is less qualified than someone else based on the color or his or her skin is wrong. Discrimination no matter how you want to view it is not anything that will go away by forcing companies to put into practice a program that selectively picks the worker that is less qualified, but happens to fit in the correct minority group or is female. When a company does this it is setting itself up for internal problems with workers that already work there. Any idea of discrimination or racism that already exists in the workers may be heightened instead of lessened. The idea that your coworker didn't have to score as high on the test, meet the same requirements, or have as much schooling as you because they are a minority is going to cause most people to feel a bit enraged. In a business where a person's physical skills are an important part of the job, such as heavy machinery, hiring a less qualified person could cause safety issues as well. Would you want someone working a crane around you if they barely passed the test for operations? From an administrative standpoint the management may also feel a negative attitude toward being forced to hire

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Tort and Inc. Essay Example

Tort and Inc. Essay Example Tort and Inc. Essay Tort and Inc. Essay Use the scenarios in the Bugusa, Inc. , link located on the student website to answer the following questions. Scenario: WIRETIME, Inc. , Advertisement Has WIRETIME, Inc. , committed any torts? If so, explain. WIRETIME, Inc. places an ad in a magazine stating that BUGusa devices were low quality and did not work for more than a month. The tort is defamation. Defamation occurs when one party makes a false statement about another. A third party heard or read the statement must be about a particular party, and damages such as loss of business result of the statement.WIRETIME stated a false statement about the product only lasting a month and that they were low quality in order to make their product more desirable. It is libel defamation since it was in written in a magazine. It is specific since is targets BUGusa, Inc. product, and there is damages for loss of revenue from the statement. Scenario: WIRETIME, Inc. (Janet) Has WIRETIME, Inc. committed any torts? If so, explain. Janet has a two year contact with BUGusa, Inc. that if she gets fired or quits from BUGusa she is not allowed to work for a competitor.Janet informs WIRETIME that she has a contract and WIRETIME offers Janet 10% increase over her current pay and also gives her a $5000 signing bonus to come to work for them. The tort is contract interference which falls under business competition torts. This is a breach of contract since Janet has a contract with BUGusa, Inc. and WIRETIME knew of the contact and still pursued her. It would be considered tortuous interference with existing contractual relationship. Scenario: WIRETIME, Inc. (Steve and Walter) Discuss any liability BUGusa, Inc. , may have for Walter’s actions.First it says that Walter found out that Steve worked for WIRETIME and how did he know that? Therefore Walter accusing Steve with no proof would be defamation. Also Walter detained Steve for six hours this would be false imprisonment and during this false imprisonment he threaten bodil y harm to Steve which would then be an assault. Walter’s crimes would fall under an intentional tort because he knew what he was doing and used force. BUGusa, Inc. would be found liable for Walters actions because Walter is their employee and the incident was on BUGusa’s property. The employees at BUGusa, Inc. ave the right to be protected while at work and something happening under their noses would be considered negligence on their part. BUGusa’s tort would be unintentional because they did not commit these crimes themselves but are to blame just the same for not preventing such a thing from happening. Scenario: BUGusa, Inc. , Plant Parking Lot What defenses may be available to BUGusa, Inc.? Explain your answer. The situation could have been prevented. BUGusa, Inc. is responsible for their employees’, visitors’, and vendor’s safety as long as they are on their property.First the parking lot should be as well maintained as the building itse lf. There should not be any lights out and if a crime wave is in the area then the company should hire security to secure and maintain the area to ensure it is safe. There should be posted signs reading that the company is not responsible for stolen items from vehicles. In any business there should be cameras and security at a dock because of the merchandise being brought in. The dock should never be unsupervised it is an entry way into the business and therefore is unsafe to be left unguarded.Employees and the vendor being robbed while he is waiting for the dock boss to return from lunch fall under strict liability. The company would be held liable for not taking safety precautions. The only argument presented is that the company did provide a well-lit parking lot but did not change the burnt out lights or make changes for the rising crime to help protect their employees, visitors, and vendors. Scenario: BUGusa, Inc. (Randy and Brian) What defenses may be available to BUGusa, Inc.? Explain your answer.Negligence was committed by Brian by breaching his duty by speeding and failure to break when entering the intersection when not clear. Randy had a duty to yield; he was turning left and should yield to any vehicles that will be entering the intersection before he would be able to clear. Both parties acted with negligence with failure to yield (Randy) and failure to break and not speed (Brian). If one or both had been doing their part, the accident may not have happened and the injuries would not have occurred. The injuries happened with in proximity of the accident, and there were actual damages to both parties.BUGusa, Inc. can use the comparative negligence defense. The portion of the negligence would be divided up into percentages. Both parties will be liable for some of the negligence instead of one. Scenario: BUGusa, Inc. (Sally) Sally may have a successful case against BUGusa, Inc. , for what torts? Explain your answer. BUGusa, Inc. had failed to put in an insulator in one of their equipment in an earlier model that was still being used by the Shady Town police department. Sally DoGood was injured when the equipment shorted. BUGusa, Inc. as negligence in the design of their equipment by leaving out the insulator that will protect against a short in the wiring. BUGusa, Inc. had a duty to design a product that would be safe for all to use. They left out the insulator because of cost. There is a case since she was injured and most likely would not have been injured if the insulator had been in place. She was injured in the proximity of the incident and she had suffered injury to her body. She has a case of negligence against BUGusa, Inc. Sally DoGood can also go after BUGusa, Inc. for strict liability.She will not have to prove negligence on the part of the manufacturer. The manufacturer has the duty to provide a safe product knowing that the buyer will not inspect the product for defects and the product causes harm to another from havi ng a defect (Melvin, 2011, p. 227). Under strict liability the seller, including manufacturer is responsible for the product even if they had taken all the proper steps to ensure the product was safe. References Melvin, S. P. (2011). The Legal Environment of Business: A Managerial Approach: Theory to Practice. Retrieved from the University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

4th 5th 6th amendment criminal rights Research Paper

4th 5th 6th amendment criminal rights - Research Paper Example Even though these amendments were introduced by James Madison in 1789 to the First United States Congress, it came into exist with effect only 1791 onwards only. Earlier majority of the states hesitated to accept these amendments which caused the delay. But three fourths of the states accepted it in 1791 and bill of rights became the part of US constitution from then onwards. Even though James Madison was the architect of these amendments, the contributions from other prominent personalities like Thomas Jefferson helped Madison immensely in attaching these amendments to the US constitution These ten amendments or Bill of rights protects basic rights of American citizens in many ways. It ensures free speech, free press, free assembly and association etc. It prohibits federal government from infringing into the human right issues such as liberty, equality and freedom of expression. It also prevented the Congress from making any controversial law which may affect the religious freedom enjoyed by the American people. It also ensures speedy and impartial trial and court procedures in public offense cases. In a true democratic state, the public should hold the power instead of the government and Bill of rights was an attempt to give more power to the public which earlier enjoyed by the governments. This paper briefly analyses only the fourth, fifth and sixth amendments The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized2. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the public against illegal or unreasonable searches and seizures. Earlier, law enforcement agencies misused their power in many ways to take revenge upon their

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cultural Description of Brazil and Russia Assignment

Cultural Description of Brazil and Russia - Assignment Example Brazilian literature started shaping up during the 16th century when explorers from Portuguese entered the nation and started writing about concepts such as fauna and flora. Brazilian literature writers are even recognized for producing great romantic works produced by Jose de Alencar who wrote specifically regarding pain and love (Newcomb 35). The cuisine that is experienced in Brazil varies from region to region which is a reflection of the taste of those who are recognized as natives of Brazil and those who migrated to the nation. Feijoada is considered as the national dish of the nation and everyday food that is consumed in the nation mainly consists if rice along with salad and beans. Beverages that are liked throughout the nation includes coffee and cachaca and the most popular sports of the region is football and the team has a national football team which is considered as one of the best teams throughout the world. Russia is ethnically diverse with around 160 ethnic groups currently residing in Russia and due to this ethnic diversity, several religions are practiced in the region including Islam, Christianity and Buddhism (Mack 8). Russia is mainly recognized for its cuisine which mostly includes diverse kinds of fishes, mushrooms and poultry. The most popular beverages of Russia include vodka and beer and consumption of black bread is really high within the nation. The architecture of Russian buildings and historical places is mostly influenced by the architecture of Byzantine. During the period of 15 and the 16th century, Russian architecture was heavily influenced by architectural trends of Renaissance. Russian paintings that were witnessed during the evolution of the region included icons along with frescos that were vibrant in nature and these two  genres of paintings were acquired by Russia from Byzantium. Russia heavily practices Rock music in modern times and the roots of their rock music can be witnessed in the heavy metal rock music of Western societies.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Capital punishment in the United States and around the world Term Paper

Capital punishment in the United States and around the world - Term Paper Example Some of those being the Supreme Court ruling against racial discrimination in jury selection, the provision of protection against coerced confessions, and those people that had religious scruples against capital punishment could not be excluded from capital juries (Rankin, 196). This paper will discuss the sociological struggles that have occurred over this method of punishment. Its interesting to note that with all the interest that there in the death penalty, there are no statistical studies that have isolated the social and political forces that may account for the legality or illegality of this punishment. Studies do, however show that the death penalty is more often used in areas where the largest part of the population is black or Hispanic. No other contemporary punishment in this world has been more severe, however, when one searches the literature there are few good articles on the social and political influences that affect the legality of this punishment. Many of the original case studies were done in the 1990s (Ellis, 338). If we focus on the last 25 years as the time of debate, we do find many changes. There was actually a monumental decision in 1972 by the US Supreme Court, in which they determined that the death penalty statutes in the United States were unconstitutional. This was determined in the Furman versus Georgia case. At that time there were 630 inmates awaiting death. All of those inmates were transferred to a life sentence. However in Greg versus Georgia the Supreme Court again leaned towards the death penalty. At that time there were 3500 men and 50 women, including, 65 juveniles whose capital offenses predated their 18th birthdays sitting on death row in this country. Another 550 death row inmates had been executed. There are of course arguments for and against this happening at all, especially when related to children. (Radelet & Borg, 42). Unfortunately, public opinion in the United States and the rest of

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Management System For Shopping Malls Computer Science Essay

A Management System For Shopping Malls Computer Science Essay 1.1 Introduction: Therough this system to design system to orgnize the work of Shoppiing Mall contain many shops belong to the same company of this mall. Through this system we can manage the work of all shops in this mall and monitor all activities in all shops. In this system we have tow sections, the first is Management, and the second is Shops,Each section hase different features. we have in this system tow level of privilleges, administrator or manager , and the employee of shops. The manager or administrator can add new administrator for this system, add new employee dor shops, add new shop, and see report of all shops in this mall. The normal user of employee of shop has the privillege to perform sale operation,add new goods to the store of this shope, update the balance of exicting goods in the store of this shope,monitore the daily sales operation done, onitore the monthly sales operations done, and monitore the balance of goods in the sotre of this shope. 1.2 Aims Of The Project Through this system we work to achive the following objectives: Organize the Registration of new shope: in this objective we orgnize the registeration of new shope and enter the relative information about this shope. Organize the registration of sales operation: in this objective we orgnize the registeration of sale operations informtion and try to do it in less time with less effort. Orgnize the registeration of new goods information: in this objective we allow the normal user to enter the information of new good in the store of his shope. Allow the user to add extra quantity of an excting food in his shopes store. Enable the user to get information about sales operations done through this system (daily and monthly) printable format. Enable the user to get information about goodss balance in his shope in printable format. Enable the administratore to get information about all shopes in the mall. 1.3 System Tools To design this system we use Visual Basic 6.0 as programming language to design the GUI (Graphical User Interface), and we used Microsoft Access to build the database of this system. We selected Visual Basic because it is easyto use. We can create forms (interfaces) using drag-and-drop techniques. A tool is used to place controls on the form (window). We can enter the default value for the attribute of any control we add to the form (interface). Many attribute values can be modified during run time based on user actions or changes in the environmentFor examplewe can cange the date of sale always to the current date even if we run it after 2 years after finish design Microsoft Access database management system was also used in designing the database of the system. It is used to create simple database solutions. Access tables support a variety of standard field types, indices, and referential integrity. The system also includes a query interface, forms to display and enter data, and reports for printing. The underlying Jet database, which contains these objects, is multiuser-aware and handles record-locking and referential integrity including cascading, updates and deletes. Microsoft Access also offers the ability for programmers to create solutions using the programming language Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), which is similar to Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) and used throughout the Microsoft Office programs such as Excel, Word, Outlook and PowerPoint. Most VB6 code including the use of Windows API calls, can be used in VBA. Power users and developers can extend basic end-user solutions to a professional solution with advanced automation, data validation, error trapping, and multi-user support. Applications that simply view data or have simple data entry can support considerably more users. 2.1 Structure of the system: In this system we have tow main sections first for managemetn and second for shopes. 2.1.1 management section: In management section we have four featurs Add new administrator: in this feature we allow the administrator to add anothor administrator (administrator = manager), in this feature the asministrator enter the user name and password for new administrator. Add new user: in this feature the admin can add new use (we mention here in user to the employee of the shope), to add new user the admin need to enter the user name and password and the shope which this user will belong (or works for), here we mention that we cannot add new user to a shope not there in the mall. Add new shope: in this feature we allow the admin to add new shope to the mall, to add new shope to the mall the admin need to enter the name of this new shope and the type of it (e.g optics). Report of all shopes in this mal: in this feature we allow the admin to get information about all shopes in this mall in printable formate. 2.1.2 shope section: This section available to the emmployee of shopes in the mall, we have to mention that the administrator of this system must add this user then he can login to this this section we have six features New sale : in this feature the user can enter the information of new sale operation, these information includes the customer name, customer mobile number, saled good,ordered auantity,unit price, and discount if there is any discount. Add new goods: in this feature we allow the user to add new goods to the store of this shope, the information needed to do this task includes Good name, Purchae price,sale price,Quantity,andmeasure. Update goods : in this feature the user can update the quantity of any exeicting goods in the store of his shope, the relative information requested here is good name, added quantity,purchase price, sale price. Goods report: in this feature the user can get report of all goods and its balance in his shope. Daily sale : in this feature the user can get report of all sale operation done through this system in current day. Monthly sale: in this feature the user can get report of all sale operation done through this system in selected month. 2.2 Systems Tables: In the previous section we explained the main structure of this system, now we have to show the building of the systems database (the database of this system was designed using Microsoft Office Access as mentioned before) The following tables are designed in the database of this system: ADMIN : this table created to save the information of administrator login data (Table 2.2.1) USERS: this table is for saving the information of users of this system. (Table 2.2.2) SHOPS: this table is for saving the information for shops in this mall. (Table2.2.3). GOODS: this table designed to save the information of goods. Table(2.3) 5-SALE_INFO: this table desgined to save the inormation of sale opertation. Table(2.2.5) 2.3 Connecting between systems database and users Interface: There are many ways to connect between visual basic and MS Access but in our system we depend on the connection by the code and connecting the object directly to database not by adding object on the form at design time. It depends on the connection string for ADO library, at first a new ADO Connection and ADO recordset items is created then define the connection path (path of database in this system) as connection string After that the recordset is opened by sending a query for specified table name. Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim con As ADODB.ConnectionThe following shows an example about the connection way in this system Then write the following code where connection to database is wanted to retrieve, send or view data Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset Set con = New ADODB.Connection rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient Constring = Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= App.Path MMS.mdb con.Open (Constring) Chapter 3 Implimntation of the system 3.1 Main Features Of The System: The aim of this system is to achieve a number of objectives. These objectives are: Registration of new shops: in this feature, the administrator need to register the iformation of new shop, this information include the name of shop and the type of this shop (shops activity). Orgnize the operation of create new user: this feature allowed for administrator only, in this feature the administrator can create new user, this new user works in selected shop while the administrator create this user. Orgnizing the registeration of sale operation: in this feature the user must register the information of sale operation, this information include the shop name,goods name,order quantity, the discount, customer name, customer mobile, and some information will be automatically loaded when the user select the good name like available qantity, and unit price. Orgnizeing the registeration of new goods: This feature allow the user to add new goods to the shop where he is working, this information include the name of goods,purchase price, sale price , and the purchased quantity. Orgnize the operation of updating the quantity of goods: in this feture the user can add quantity of any goods in his shop. Preparation of detailed reports : theadministrator and user can get these types of Reports: All shops: this report shows the information of all shops in the Mall. Daily sales: this report displays the information of all sales operation done in selected date. monthly sales: this report displays the information of all sales operation done in selected month. Goods report: this report show the information of all goods in the shop. We have to mention that the first report allowed for the administrator only, while the other reports allowed to the normal user 3.2 Implementation Of The System: In presvious section of this report we explaineed the structure of this system and talk about the objectives of this system, now we will talk about how t use this system, or how this system works. First there is introduction window, in this window the user select the section heshe wants to use Management or Shops as shown in figure 3.1 Figure 3.1 Introduction window 3.2.1 Management Section : If the user select Management from the introduction window heshe will get the login window where heshe must write the user name and password of administrator in this system, as shown in figure 3.2 Figure 3.2 Administrator Login window After fill the sorrcet username and passowrd of administrator, heshe will get the main window of adminstrators task, as shown in figure 3.3 Figure 3.3 Administrators task windw If heshe wants to achieve th feature of New administrator, heshe must click on New Administrator button, then heshe will get the following windw, as shown in figure 3.4 Figure 3.4 New Administrator window After fill the requested fields , the system will connect to the databse and go into the table Admin and save new record with the information of new administrator. If the administrator wants to achieve the feature New User, heshe must click on New User button on the Administrators task windw, then will get the following window, as shown in figure 3.5 Figure 3.5 New User window In this window will need the username and apssword for new user , also we need to select the shop where this new user will work, the list of shops will automatically loaded to the window by going through the database and go to Shops table and bring the name of all shops in this mall. When the user fill all rewuested fields heshe must click on Save button to save the data of new user, in this operation the system will connect to the database and go to USERS table and create new record conatin the information of the new user and give him an autonumber as ID, the administrator can cancel the operation or close this window by click on Close button. In case the administratore wants to achieve the feature Add New Shop, hezshe must click on New shop button on Administrators task windw to get the following window, as shown in figure 3.6 Figure 3.6 New Shop Window In this window we can see that we have only tow fields about new shop, these fields are shop name and shop type, after the administrator fill thee fields, heshe must click on Save button to go through the database and create new record in table Shops and give this shop an autonumber as ShopID. The administrator can cancel the operation or close this window by click on Close button. Finally, if the administrtor wants to get report about all shops in this mall, hese can click on All Shops button on Administrators task windw, the get the report as shown in figure 3.7 Figure 3.7 All Shops report window 3.2.1 Shop Section : This section specified for the normal user (the employee of the shop), the user can go into this section by clicking on Shop button in Introduction window, then heshe get the folloing window, figure 3.8 Figure 3.8 user Main window As we see, in this window there are six buttons, each one for different feature. If the user want to perform sale operation, heshe must click on New Sale button, then will get the following window, as shown in figure 3.9 Figure 3.9 Sale window In this window the user will find list of all goods available in this shop and the balance of this goodsand the unist price also, ths information brought by the system when load this window, the system will go to the database and go to goods table and bring the name of all goods which belong to that shop, after that when the user select the goods name and its balance nd the unit price. After the user fill the requested fields then click on calculate button to cacuate the total price, then the user clicks on Save button to save the information of sale then he can click on Bill button to get the bill of this sale. If the user wants to add new goods heshe must clicks on New Goods button then heshe get the following window, as shown in figure 3.10 Conclusion Using this system we organize the work in the Hall, also we reduce the time and effort spend to achieve the following task : Register customers information in this system. Register the relative information of reservation in this system . Organize the operation of updating the information of reservation. Organize the confirming and caneling reservation in this system. Getting the reports of all reservation done through this system. Getting the reports of all reservation done through this system accoring to selected month. Getting the reports of all reservation done through this system accoring to selected month and year. After using the system we can say that work of Hall reservation can be organized through this system. As we explain in the body of this report the use of this system is easily and any one with simple knowledge of computer usage can use this system and finish the task without any mistake. there is no perfect system and each system contain some notices either the analyzing or the scenario of work, but in this system we try to cover the most important task or features of store department work. Before we build the system we have to analyze the system and detect the work flow of working and see what are the rules that control work in Hall reservation operation to start building the tables and see what windows we need and how any windows we must have in our system after that we search for tools enable us to program the system in best way, we find that the easiest tools to do that is VISUAL BASIC (VB) for program the user interface and Microsoft Office Access (MSACCESS) as database management system, these tools are easy to use and easy to be used in developing the system in future. When start to build new system the designer face tow types of problem technical and official. The technical problems was to find the suitable and useful tools (programming and database management system) enable the designer to build efficient system and enable the user to store many records in database able to be retrieved in few seconds without any problems. After we choose the programming language and database management system and connect them together and start build the database and table and start writing the code that will be executed while system running in order to achieve the tasks of this system.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Drug Smuggling in Malaysia Essay -- Legal Issues, Drugs, Drug Mule

Drug smuggling cases have created a grave concerns in Malaysia. As I go through the â€Å"Special Report : Decline in Drug Mules† 2010 by BERNAMA, I feel impel to discuss further about this issue. In this article, the definition of drug mule is not given. But, I have come across a definition from Smith (2010) which stated that drug mules are people whose bodies are used to transport drugs to another country. Moreover, Kusyi (2010) defined drug mule as a phrase that refers to someone who is willing or duped to be a courier, carrying drugs or smuggling drugs to other countries. So we can conclude that drug mule is an illegal action that opposes the law throughout the countries. According to BERNAMA (2010), it is estimated that about 1490 Malaysians are now languishing in foreign prisons for drug related offences including drug mules. For me, it is quite a number to be worried of. Our country will experience a great loss of local energies if the number continues to grow. However, the statistics from Bukit Aman show a steep decline in number of Malaysians being detained in foreign lands for carrying drugs in 2010 compared to the previous year (BERNAMA, 2010). As a generation of future leaders, I realize despite the fact that the cases reported is decreasing, the problem is indeed critical and if we stay still from the beginning, I strongly believe it could jeopardize our nation’s future. Thus, we should give serious attention to this problem as this article also reported that the members of international drug syndicates are still actively recruiting new innocent victims of drug mules although in smaller numbers. To begin with, this article has emphasized the victims of the syndicates which are identified to be in between 20s and 30s ... ...hich depicts that they are not afraid of the punishment. To sum up, I agree with all factors and suggestions highlighted in this article. I think this report has succeeded in helping me to realize the significance of this problem and has encouraged me to share my opinions to help the government to eradicate this menace. However, deeper explanations should be included and added so that readers will gain more information about this crime from all aspects. I really hope that we can give our helping hands to fight this menace. Prevention is better than cure. Lastly, I agree with Kusyi (2010) when she said that if ago, parents worries when their children went abroad were about halal food, marry a foreigner, forget their origins and their religion or do not want to return home, now parents have to ensure one more thing which is do not let your child be a drug mule!