Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Criminal Profiling, A Powerful Tool Essay - 1200 Words

Criminal profiling can be a rather useful tool for criminal investigators of all kinds. Many departments use profiling to catch terrorists, gangs, cyber-crimes, counter intelligence, white collar crimes, and most of all serial killers. How criminal profiling works is by looking at the behavior of the criminal to gain insight into his or her personality. A doctor does the same thing when looking at symptoms to diagnose a certain disease. Being able to understand this person’s personality leads you one step closer to catching him or her. The history of profiling starts as early as the 1800s. Criminal profiling is what it is today because of the contributions of those investigators of that time. The first documented case that profiling†¦show more content†¦There were no clear signs of forced entry which means the suspect had been in the house before and knew his way around. The time that the kidnappers said they would call came and went, which should have been a big c lue that something was wrong. The house was then completely searched and in the basement the body of JonBenet was found. JonBenet’s body was found with her hands over her head with a cord, along with a cord around her neck. She was covered up with a white blanket with duct tape on her mouth. The fact that she was covered means that the suspect felt some kind of remorse for what they did. It could have been someone that JonBenet knew. Now the autopsy confirmed how she was murdered. It was confirmed that she died by strangulation along with blunt force trauma to the head and some trauma to the vaginal tissue. Drawing from the information on the autopsy we may conclude that someone brought JonBenet down to the basement to sexually assault her and took it too far. The suspect may have gotten angry with her which is why there was bruising on her face and neck. Once she was dead the suspect may have freaked out and decided to make a ransom note and hide the body to cover up the cr ime. Now there was a lot of other evidence that was gathered at the scene of the crime along with examples of both parents handwriting to compare to the ransom note. Then we look at the victim’s life. JonBenet was homeschooled but did participate in pageants which putShow MoreRelatedCriminal Intelligence and Violent Crime Essay1094 Words   |  5 PagesUniversity Introduction Criminal intelligence analysis is useful in many areas to law enforcement. It is especially useful in apprehending violent criminals and preventing violent crimes. Violent crimes in the United States have been on a moderate decline over the past decade. This decline has been attributed to the crime analysis intelligence used by law enforcement. 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