Sunday, May 17, 2020

Education and Empowerment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1305 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Education refers to the systematic process of learning whereby knowledge, skills, habits, values, and beliefs of a particular group of people are passed from generation to generation. Education is facilitated through various forms of teaching, training, and research. In a general sense education is the way to which a person is prepared to face challenges in life. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Education and Empowerment" essay for you Create order It is through knowledge obtained from education that an individual is empowered and development takes place. On the contrary, empowerment refers to the process through which the capacity of individuals or a group of people to make decisions is transformed and modified into desired choices and outcomes. Vital to this procedure are activities and aggregate resources which both form individual and enhance the effectiveness and decency of the authoritative and institutional setting which represent the utilization of these advantages. Education is a choice that is dependent on every individual. It is through empowerment that this awareness is created throughout the world. An empowered individual has the freedom of selection and action. Through this, they can take charge of the decisions that affect and influence their lives. This paper addresses the definition of an educated person. An educated person has a different meaning in the eyes of the community. Various notions are attached to the idea of a healthy nation thereby influencing the status of whether an individual is educated or not. The essay is divided into various sections. The first part is an engaging personal and first-hand experience through an education system. It further explains how it is related to the central argument of the essay; definition of an educated person. This is highlighted through the detailed experience as a reader, writer, and researcher. The flow of the article picks up as a next section discusses the various reasons that may make o ne get an education. The essay moves on to capture the real meaning of learning well. The last section incorporates the various methods that are used by teachers and educationalist towards ensuring student gets the best education that can be offered. Education has been a controversial matter throughout the world. This is in light to matters of gender. The male child has been preferred to receive education to the female child. Empowerment had to be to remove this ideology among the masses. In some areas, it is yet to be a victorious battle. Change is, however, taking root in most countries especially the African continent. As a female, education is a critical stage that has to be accomplished not through force but as a choice and desire. To be educated not only entails the acquisition of knowledge of books and literary material. Most importantly a student should be able to grasp life skills that will help one cope in the real world. In school, one can tell if a student is getting educated, this done through various exercises such as examinations or simple sports activities. Through the interaction with the other students, sometimes from other educational institutions, one can gauge if one is educated or not. An examination based on the core life skills was carried out between my school and another school of the same level. There were distinct differences based on the difference of teachers, classrooms, resources, and exposure to real-life situations. My school had the upper hand compared to the challenged school. The challenged school is a private institution that uniquely approaches education compared to the approach taken by my school. Students from my school in the test connected the heuristics adaptable, recommending that students learned standards as opposed to repetition methodology for argumentation and could adjust the heuristics and exchange their insight to a scope of subjects. Students from the other school showed more prominent learning of contention criteria and techniques. These outcomes bolster the speculation that knowledge of claim structure hones students judgment concerning the substance and association expected to produce legitimately associated allegations. By cleari ng up the prerequisites for restricting convincing factious papers, the heuristics tried in the present investigation may enhance underprepared students capacity to compose scholarly articles. Education remains an idea that is hard to characterize and as open to wrangle as it is fundamental to our personality. Is a gifted craftsman with no formal education considered educated? Is an insightful grandma with eighty years of life encounter, however just a third-grade schooling educated? Is Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard as a lesser scholar to establish Microsoft, considered more educated compared to his colleagues who remained in school? When we are looking for education, would we say we are searching for learning, astuteness, abilities, or every one of the three? As one grows, everyone forms a theory that fits their description of an educated person. This varies from person to person as there is no particular approved theory (Battersby, 10).What makes a person educated is dependent on the individual although parents also play a particular role in ensuring children get educated. They offer the necessary help in the form of advice, motivation and the relevant support r equired of them. An educated person is an individual who makes out something useful from the knowledge and skill they have been exposed to. In a larger sense, an educated person is one who can relate to life situations (Biesta, 82). An educated person would be one who scans for perfection, one who does not underestimate things, one who is worried about individuals and things around him or her. An educated person has the following characteristics: Has a profound and bona fide sympathy, endeavoring to comprehend others, with the capacity to withhold their particular judgment until the point when they are confident that they do get it; Is delicate to the mental, physical, moral and social milieu in which they end up, demonstrating admiration and minding regularly (Peters, 45); Has an unmistakable comprehension of his or her own esteems, needs and inclinations without wishing to force these on others; Is autonomous, inside the requirements of shared living, in real life and thought, assuming liability for the well-being and prosperity of their body and their psyche; Comprehends the connectedness of everything on the planet, and even in the universe, thus acts dependable in all that they do the motto think universally, act locally applies here; Is harmonious, implying that the individual will be agreeable in their skin, ready to recognize their own particular emotions and the sentiments of others without loftiness (Peters, 116). Philosopher Christopher Phillips said, â€Å"I think an astounding human advancement do share certain traits: they are forward-looking. They are perceptive of how their activities affect others. Not directly today, but rather in coming eras, and endeavor to act in ways that will improve the lives of people and social orders of today, as well as without bounds and not only the following maybe a couple or five eras, however the next hundred and thousand and ten thousand periods. According to John Dewey, â€Å"Education has no end beyond itself.† There is no specific limit to be considered as well educated. However, there are recognizable aspects and related esteems required to end up noticeably well learned. The meaning expands upon the primary elements in the accompanying ways: It depicts and exhibits a creative model for an all-encompassing and coordinated approach to quality education and deep rooted adapting by and large by creating innovative practices. This is because values educate towards global comprehension and a culture of peace. It incorporates the esteeming procedure, with down to earth illustrations and modules for use by educators and teachers. Additionally, education offers an integrated system of center esteems as aides for coming to our maximum capacity as total individuals in every one of our measurements. Consequently empowering us to build up the mettle, intelligence and initiative qualities required, to contribute usefully toward s building a culture of peace in each setting in which we find ourselves.

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