Saturday, June 6, 2020

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay As I look back at my student years, it seems that my life consisted of a maze of essays. I did not even have time to ponder what makes one different from another because I had to produce essays faster than my brain produced thoughts. I am sure you know what I am talking about. Whether you are an Art student or study Sciences, attend high school or complete a college course, you cannot escape written assignments. For example, you may be asked to complete compare and contrast essays. So, what is a compare and contrast essay? Although the name speaks for itself this type of paper requires describing and comparing the differences. It may be a complicated task. This article deals with peculiarities of such essays. Here youll find pieces of advice on how to do a compare and contrast essay. Compare and contrast essay format Keep in mind that is structuring is very important for writing a compare and contrast essay of high quality. Like in case with any other academic paper, you need to create an outline before you get down to writing. Stick to the following structure: Introduction. Here you give a reader an idea what to expect from your writing Main body. It is the core of an essay Conclusion. It sums up a paper Composing introduction An introduction serves the purpose of focusing a reader’s attention on your writing. It must contain a thesis for a compare and contrast essay. It is the main argument of the paper. And it needs to be developed in the main body. In your thesis, emphasize whether two things have much in common, differ greatly or both. For instance, if the topic of your compare and contrast essay is Contrasting the Work of CÃ ©zanne and Monet, a thesis could be like this: Although the revolutionary artists Claude Monet and Paul CÃ ©zanne were born in France in the same epoch, their style and techniques were strikingly different. Two types of the main body Once done with compare and contrast essay introduction develop a main body. Here provide a deep insight by bringing resemblance or dissimilarities in focus. Do not be superficial. Analyze various aspects of two things to establish differences and/or similarities. There are two ways to organize the structure: a) Block Pattern Using a block pattern you describe subject by subject. Using the same topic about CÃ ©zanne and Monet, a sample main body built around block pattern would look like this: Subject 1 – Work of CÃ ©zanne: Art Movement the artist represented Composition. Colors used Painting techniques Subject 2 – Work of Monet Art Movement the artist represented Composition. Colors used Painting techniques Altogether the main body would have 6 paragraphs. b) Alternating pattern or point-by-point comparison Using this method you compare work of CÃ ©zanne and Monet taking into account every point of contrast: Art Movement the artists represented Composition. Colors used Painting techniques As you can see, the main body consists of three paragraphs in this case. Make a strong conclusion In the final part, you have to restate the thesis statement making it more powerful. For example, we could end our compare essay with the statement like this: Despite their dissimilarities in style, painting techniques, colors used, the artists were innovative and brought revolutionary ideas to the contemporary art. Additional points to consider While writing compare and contrast essay, apply comparison and contrast signifiers. Do not forget to proofread your essay. It should be error-free. It should have a formal style with no colloquialisms and slang words. How to start a compare and contrast essay? In case you can write on a chosen topic, pick an interesting one. If nothing comes to your mind, you can search for compare and contrast essay topics for college students online. If after spending hours choosing the right topic you get stuck on your thesis statement, do not be too hard on yourself. Writing is challenging. Apart from good writing skills you need to do quite a lot of brainstorming for making a powerful thesis, singling out the qualities you would like to compare and identifying aspects to be described. Add fulfilling word count requirements, flawless grammar, spelling as well as punctuation, and your essay might look like a proper scientific investigation. Luckily, there is an option to rely on professional help from academic writers. They offer deep writing expertise, original ideas, plagiarism-free papers and fast turnaround time. At a reasonable price, you are spared all the hassle and the embarrassment of a poorly written article. Ordering professional writing services you can concentrate on the subjects you are interested in and you are good at. No hours of hard toil over an essay, no analyzing, and no sleepless nights are needed. Just entrust writing a compare and contrast essay to professionals. We hope that by following these pieces of advice you’ll succeed with writing your assignment. Although this type of writing involves a complex approach from brainstorming, making a thesis, identifying main points of resemblance/contrast, presenting your thoughts logically to proofreading, remember that practice makes the master. Your writing will improve after completing a few essay projects. In case you feel that writing is not your cup of tea, there is a team of professionals that can do it for you.

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