Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Assessment and Prevention of Patient Bed Sores Essay

The Assessment and Prevention of Patient Bed Sores - Essay Example These thoughts have been remembered for this exploration just as how they are basically surveyed. Preventing bed wounds is the fundamental subject found inside these pages, and there are a heap of ways one can approach shielding a patient from obtaining these unfriendly bruises. Taking everything into account the body of this writing arrived at it's irrevocability by accentuating that it is so basic to have great nursing care with preventive techniques that help the patient with misfortunes, for example, bedsores. This because saw as definitive was with the goal that it could be guaranteed the ultimate result for the patient could be required to be a positive one. Bed injuries happen to be an intense confusion in quiet consideration. It is promptly difficult to accept that what is named a straightforward bed sore or weight sore can prompt a patient's demise yet, it can if a type of appropriate interventive consideration and evaluations are not diverted out right. This point can be approved in the exploration done on bed injuries through the Mayo Clinic of Health (2005). There is recognition with the entertainer Christopher Reeve's nevertheless little is known regarding his reason for death which at last was seen as a bed sore that had created and steadily continued to deteriorate because of his quadriplegic state. This thought is gotten to this writing so as to give a full and strong record regarding how extreme bed wounds or ulcerations of the skin can really be to the patients' wellbeing. Bedsores can advance rather quickly and cause numerous intricacies in the domain of value persistent consideration yet what is found is that they don't nee d to happen by any stretch of the imagination. A gigantic measure of examination has been completed by numerous specialists in human services and it has demonstrated that ulcer injury is a profoundly critical issue in thinking about patients. In any case, following the preventive consideration rules that are found in different clinical consideration settings can adequately help nurture in giving basic consideration to patients who are more apse to get these ulcerations (Lewis et al 2003). Medical attendants basic need to execute the right ordinary appraisals of patients and present the most proficient preventive measures to diminish these kinds of patient misfortunes. Inside the nation of Australia there is an unmistakable issue with this sort of social insurance confusion which this writing is basically calling attention to. It is assessed that the preventive consideration alone is counting in at $350 million dollars for each year, which focuses on the noteworthiness of the issue and presents the likelihood that there should be a progressively authoritative methods for guaranteeing less events of these kinds of sicknesses in tolerant consideration (Lewis et al 2003). Since pressure ulcers ordinarily structure on parts of the body that lie fixed and are continually under the body weight of the patient, the preventive consideration is undeniably increasingly confused. Besides, another difficult that medical attendants face in preventive treatment of ulcers is the way that a considerable lot of these treatment regimens have not been seen as a surefire method of counteraction and have even been known to intensify the issue definitely more than what it at first began as (Lewis et al

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Multiple Voices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Numerous Voices - Essay Example Lee: Language has changed radically in the previous a long time since the utilization of web has expanded among understudies. I have utilized a contextual analysis of an educator Jacqueline for the perusers of my composed pieces so as to cause them to comprehend the way in which composing English language has changed. Understudies have begun utilizing easy routes of words that they utilizing while texting of messaging. A portion of the normal words that Jacqueline has set apart during the revision meeting are U, 4u, abt and so on. I have run over a distinction in approach towards composing language. I have the two Asians just as locals in my homeroom and they all appear to commit errors for example utilizing texting and messaging English language. I have even given a final offer to my understudies that on the off chance that they won't quit utilizing wrong English language, at that point I should deduct their imprints. I need my understudies to learn English in the most ideal and sch olarly way since language is a path through which one may pass judgment on others (Ober). Tan: I would not concur more. Language has changed all things considered. I should state that language is a useful asset inside a general public. It is not any more an astounding reality that language has rather become a component seeing someone. I would introduce my mother’s experience here being a migrant. Since we are not local English or Americans, my mom experienced difficulty in communicating in English. Notwithstanding, with the progression of time, she took in her approach to communicate in English language easily. My mom utilized diverse TV slots to learn English language just as magazines. One certainty that I noticed this time was that individuals judge others based on way in which others communicate in English language. My composed pieces â€Å"Mother Tongue† is a clear case of the encounters that I and my mom had experienced. Individuals don't believe migrants to have the option to communicate in English truly well regardless of the way that they become fam iliar with their approach to communicate in English easily. I would

Friday, August 21, 2020

Music: the International Language Essay

Music is a piece of people’s lives from all around the globe. It has been around for at any rate 50,000 years and doubtlessly began in Africa (Wallin, et al. 1). There are a few particular types of music. The most perceived structures in the western half of the globe are: old style, jazz, rock and people, just as others which are basically branches from the four recently referenced. Many profession alternatives exist for those wishing to seek after music, a significant number of which require at least one educational degrees. In music, there are a plenty of differing basic structures where music is made. An auxiliary structure for the most part portrays the request the â€Å"sections† in a bit of music are composed. Without arrangers, there would be little music today. Most arrangers have an extraordinary style that they write in that can be distinguished by anybody with a prepared ear. Music is continually in a developmental state, and the music business changes to mirror that. The future holds unlimited opportunities for the social and conservative impacts of new music. Melodic documentation was not constantly pleasant printed images masterminded in a simple to understand group. The Greeks were the first to actualize a framework for making an interpretation of composed work into sound. Anyway this framework made it hard for somebody to envision the tune, and was amazingly hard to repeat, and there were generally numerous mistakes on duplicates. The Romans utilized the initial 15 letters of the Roman letter set over the material words to decide pitch with the primary letter as the low pitch and the fifteenth letter as the high pitch. Neuma, or Neumes, is an impossible to miss documentation utilized generally by sixth to twelfth century clerical scholars. Disentangling this documentation is basically mystery because of the quantity of factors influencing the sounds. (â€Å"Changes in Musical Notation†). Of the considerable number of kinds of music, old style is the most unmistakable. It for the most part incorporates string instruments, French horns, and trumpets, just as others. Exciting music or â€Å"devil music† as certain individuals allude to it, has gotten progressively famous around the globe since its initiation in the mid 1900’s. This sort of music is known to utilize electric guitars, drum pack, and vocals. Jazz likewise utilizes those instruments, yet in an alternate way. In an ordinary â€Å"big band† jazz ensemble, there will be five saxophones, four trombones, four trumpets, a musician, a drummer and a guitarist. The jazz style is very not the same as that of different kinds of music. Typically, the first and third beat of a four beat measure are underscored, in jazz the second and fourth beats are accentuated. In music, there are numerous conventional structures (the route segments of a piece rehash) in which melodies are composed. Sectional structure is a blend of short lumps of a piece (DeLone. et al. 87). Vocal music regularly utilizes the utilization of the strophic structure, which rehashes a similar area over (AA†¦). Parallel structure, as the name may recommend, has two unique segments played in progression (AB) or one rehashed and afterward the other rehashed (AABB). Correspondingly to double frame, chain structure has at least three areas played in progression (ABC) or (AABBCC). Ternary, or tertiary structure, comparatively to parallel structure has two unique segments, the distinction being there is a â€Å"B† area sandwiched in the middle of two â€Å"A† segments (ABA). Curve structure has three unique areas, one â€Å"C† segment in the middle of two â€Å"B† segments, which is then in the middle of two â€Å"A† segments (ABCBA). At last, rondo structure, which comes in two assortments: even and topsy-turvy. Balanced structure is (ABACABA) as lopsided structure seems to be (ABACADAEA) (â€Å"Musical Form†). There are numerous fun and remunerating vocations in music a significant number of which include working with a grouping of inventive people. Organization, the specialty of composing music, is one of the more troublesome, yet likewise all the more compensating decisions, despite the fact that it is difficult to get by as an arranger except if the most extreme commitment is shown. Showing others music, either by instruments, hypothesis, or something else, is an occupation sought after around the United States (â€Å"Bachelor of Music†). Performers are the key component of music, without them there would be no unrecorded music. Music treatment is one of the less known melodic employments. Music specialists help individuals with psychological sickness or incapacity by utilizing music (â€Å"Careers in Music Therapy†). There have been numerous extraordinary traditional arrangers, each with their own recognizing qualities in their composition. Johann Sebastian Bach is known for never leaving delays in his music. Be that as it may, George Frideric Handel composes so that there are minutes where no notes are played (excellent delay. ) Mozart has composed more than 600 bits of music, which were all written in one draft. Music is about sound, and for a for the most part hard of hearing man, Ludwig Van Beethoven is a significant achieved author. The music business is commonly characterized as â€Å"the organizations and associations that record, produce, distribute, circulate, and showcase recorded music† (â€Å"Music Industry†). There are four significant record organizations or â€Å"labels,† Sony BMG, EMI, Universal and Warner. In 2005, Universal commanded the United States advertise with a 31. 71% piece of the pie. In a nearby second came Sony BMG with 31. 71%. Warner immovably holds third with a strong 15% piece of the overall industry, leaving EMI to tidy up with the staying 9. 55%. Autonomous marks cover18. 3% of the US advertise, however there are numerous free organizations and none of which compare to he â€Å"big four† (Cashmere). Music craftsmen and record organizations the same make the majority of their cash from music deals, yet with the ascent of distributed document sharing systems, it has been progressively well known to illicitly download or, privateer, taken music. As per the American Federation of Musicians, net income for music drops about 20% every year because of robbery. In response to the frightening insights the Recording Industry Association of America or, RIAA, has found a way to battle web robbery. One of their objectives is to illuminate general society regarding the repercussions music robbery has on the people who acquire a living from real music trade (â€Å"Online Music Piracy†). Jazz is the main style of music local to the United States of America. Obviously numerous different classifications thought to be â€Å"truly American† are in reality just odds and ends from the melodic attributes of different societies. Jazz music is overflowing with act of spontaneity performances, where a performer is typically given a harmony movement otherwise called â€Å"changes,† and the artist plays notes in the size of the key given at the predetermined time. Despite the fact that the ink on the page may state to play in C7 one could similarly too play in Cm in stead. Jazz is likewise not bound to the â€Å"limitations† of different types of music and won't generally be sliced up into simple to-distinguish areas. One thing practically a wide range of music share for all intents and purpose is versatility, for instance, there could be a solitary saxophonist playing â€Å"Harlem Nocturne† on a city intersection, or there could be a 18 piece enormous band symphony playing a similar melody in a show lobby. The equivalent applies to traditional music, yet it is increasingly basic to see a road performer playing jazz than old style music. The development of strong state hardware welcomed on numerous changes. The music world was influenced when somebody figured that on the off chance that you make a console and set it so each key you press delivers an alternate recurrence at a line level current and run it through an enhancer, there will be an electronic piano-style console! This gadget later got known as the simple synthesizer and was utilized in many performing groups. Quite a long while later, computerized sound blend innovation made it conceivable to have many diverse â€Å"patches† on a console, taking out the requirement for costly solid modules for simple synthesizers. Today, the two advancements are utilized, yet simple is for the most part simply utilized and worked for chronicled and trial purposes. Each sort of music requires an instrument, be it human vocal strings, a bassoon, or a microchip, at any rate one instrument is required. There are three sorts of â€Å"traditional† instruments. Metal instruments are gadgets in which sound is made by squeezing the lips to the enormous finish of a practically cone shaped mouthpiece and humming the lips while blowing. Instruments requiring no humming are alluded to as woodwinds. The sound can be made either by a solitary reed, where the layer puts the top front two teeth on a tightened mouthpiece and presses the base lip over the base teeth reaching the reed and blowing so the reed vibrates in the middle of the mouthpiece and the base lip. A twofold reed instrument has no mouthpiece, just two reeds that are pointed together toward the end. The third type of woodwind sound creation involves setting the lips one the close to side of a gap in the mouthpiece and blowing air over the hole, much the same as making a glass bottle whistle. In music, there are two classes, one for the high society, and one for the low society. The high society music is that of the traditional, rococo sentimental and other such times, are normally preformed in formal settings. Conversely, the low society music, for example, jazz, rap and hip jump could be preformed in places where formal manners is absent, for example, a gambling club, night club or parking area. It is obvious that the normal crowd individual from an old style execution will have a salary higher than that of a group of people part from a hip jump show. By examining this information, musicologists have presumed that the class differentiation isn't identified with the music itself, rather, the group related with that kind of music.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay As I look back at my student years, it seems that my life consisted of a maze of essays. I did not even have time to ponder what makes one different from another because I had to produce essays faster than my brain produced thoughts. I am sure you know what I am talking about. Whether you are an Art student or study Sciences, attend high school or complete a college course, you cannot escape written assignments. For example, you may be asked to complete compare and contrast essays. So, what is a compare and contrast essay? Although the name speaks for itself this type of paper requires describing and comparing the differences. It may be a complicated task. This article deals with peculiarities of such essays. Here youll find pieces of advice on how to do a compare and contrast essay. Compare and contrast essay format Keep in mind that is structuring is very important for writing a compare and contrast essay of high quality. Like in case with any other academic paper, you need to create an outline before you get down to writing. Stick to the following structure: Introduction. Here you give a reader an idea what to expect from your writing Main body. It is the core of an essay Conclusion. It sums up a paper Composing introduction An introduction serves the purpose of focusing a reader’s attention on your writing. It must contain a thesis for a compare and contrast essay. It is the main argument of the paper. And it needs to be developed in the main body. In your thesis, emphasize whether two things have much in common, differ greatly or both. For instance, if the topic of your compare and contrast essay is Contrasting the Work of CÃ ©zanne and Monet, a thesis could be like this: Although the revolutionary artists Claude Monet and Paul CÃ ©zanne were born in France in the same epoch, their style and techniques were strikingly different. Two types of the main body Once done with compare and contrast essay introduction develop a main body. Here provide a deep insight by bringing resemblance or dissimilarities in focus. Do not be superficial. Analyze various aspects of two things to establish differences and/or similarities. There are two ways to organize the structure: a) Block Pattern Using a block pattern you describe subject by subject. Using the same topic about CÃ ©zanne and Monet, a sample main body built around block pattern would look like this: Subject 1 – Work of CÃ ©zanne: Art Movement the artist represented Composition. Colors used Painting techniques Subject 2 – Work of Monet Art Movement the artist represented Composition. Colors used Painting techniques Altogether the main body would have 6 paragraphs. b) Alternating pattern or point-by-point comparison Using this method you compare work of CÃ ©zanne and Monet taking into account every point of contrast: Art Movement the artists represented Composition. Colors used Painting techniques As you can see, the main body consists of three paragraphs in this case. Make a strong conclusion In the final part, you have to restate the thesis statement making it more powerful. For example, we could end our compare essay with the statement like this: Despite their dissimilarities in style, painting techniques, colors used, the artists were innovative and brought revolutionary ideas to the contemporary art. Additional points to consider While writing compare and contrast essay, apply comparison and contrast signifiers. Do not forget to proofread your essay. It should be error-free. It should have a formal style with no colloquialisms and slang words. How to start a compare and contrast essay? In case you can write on a chosen topic, pick an interesting one. If nothing comes to your mind, you can search for compare and contrast essay topics for college students online. If after spending hours choosing the right topic you get stuck on your thesis statement, do not be too hard on yourself. Writing is challenging. Apart from good writing skills you need to do quite a lot of brainstorming for making a powerful thesis, singling out the qualities you would like to compare and identifying aspects to be described. Add fulfilling word count requirements, flawless grammar, spelling as well as punctuation, and your essay might look like a proper scientific investigation. Luckily, there is an option to rely on professional help from academic writers. They offer deep writing expertise, original ideas, plagiarism-free papers and fast turnaround time. At a reasonable price, you are spared all the hassle and the embarrassment of a poorly written article. Ordering professional writing services you can concentrate on the subjects you are interested in and you are good at. No hours of hard toil over an essay, no analyzing, and no sleepless nights are needed. Just entrust writing a compare and contrast essay to professionals. We hope that by following these pieces of advice you’ll succeed with writing your assignment. Although this type of writing involves a complex approach from brainstorming, making a thesis, identifying main points of resemblance/contrast, presenting your thoughts logically to proofreading, remember that practice makes the master. Your writing will improve after completing a few essay projects. In case you feel that writing is not your cup of tea, there is a team of professionals that can do it for you.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Education and Empowerment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1305 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Education refers to the systematic process of learning whereby knowledge, skills, habits, values, and beliefs of a particular group of people are passed from generation to generation. Education is facilitated through various forms of teaching, training, and research. In a general sense education is the way to which a person is prepared to face challenges in life. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Education and Empowerment" essay for you Create order It is through knowledge obtained from education that an individual is empowered and development takes place. On the contrary, empowerment refers to the process through which the capacity of individuals or a group of people to make decisions is transformed and modified into desired choices and outcomes. Vital to this procedure are activities and aggregate resources which both form individual and enhance the effectiveness and decency of the authoritative and institutional setting which represent the utilization of these advantages. Education is a choice that is dependent on every individual. It is through empowerment that this awareness is created throughout the world. An empowered individual has the freedom of selection and action. Through this, they can take charge of the decisions that affect and influence their lives. This paper addresses the definition of an educated person. An educated person has a different meaning in the eyes of the community. Various notions are attached to the idea of a healthy nation thereby influencing the status of whether an individual is educated or not. The essay is divided into various sections. The first part is an engaging personal and first-hand experience through an education system. It further explains how it is related to the central argument of the essay; definition of an educated person. This is highlighted through the detailed experience as a reader, writer, and researcher. The flow of the article picks up as a next section discusses the various reasons that may make o ne get an education. The essay moves on to capture the real meaning of learning well. The last section incorporates the various methods that are used by teachers and educationalist towards ensuring student gets the best education that can be offered. Education has been a controversial matter throughout the world. This is in light to matters of gender. The male child has been preferred to receive education to the female child. Empowerment had to be to remove this ideology among the masses. In some areas, it is yet to be a victorious battle. Change is, however, taking root in most countries especially the African continent. As a female, education is a critical stage that has to be accomplished not through force but as a choice and desire. To be educated not only entails the acquisition of knowledge of books and literary material. Most importantly a student should be able to grasp life skills that will help one cope in the real world. In school, one can tell if a student is getting educated, this done through various exercises such as examinations or simple sports activities. Through the interaction with the other students, sometimes from other educational institutions, one can gauge if one is educated or not. An examination based on the core life skills was carried out between my school and another school of the same level. There were distinct differences based on the difference of teachers, classrooms, resources, and exposure to real-life situations. My school had the upper hand compared to the challenged school. The challenged school is a private institution that uniquely approaches education compared to the approach taken by my school. Students from my school in the test connected the heuristics adaptable, recommending that students learned standards as opposed to repetition methodology for argumentation and could adjust the heuristics and exchange their insight to a scope of subjects. Students from the other school showed more prominent learning of contention criteria and techniques. These outcomes bolster the speculation that knowledge of claim structure hones students judgment concerning the substance and association expected to produce legitimately associated allegations. By cleari ng up the prerequisites for restricting convincing factious papers, the heuristics tried in the present investigation may enhance underprepared students capacity to compose scholarly articles. Education remains an idea that is hard to characterize and as open to wrangle as it is fundamental to our personality. Is a gifted craftsman with no formal education considered educated? Is an insightful grandma with eighty years of life encounter, however just a third-grade schooling educated? Is Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard as a lesser scholar to establish Microsoft, considered more educated compared to his colleagues who remained in school? When we are looking for education, would we say we are searching for learning, astuteness, abilities, or every one of the three? As one grows, everyone forms a theory that fits their description of an educated person. This varies from person to person as there is no particular approved theory (Battersby, 10).What makes a person educated is dependent on the individual although parents also play a particular role in ensuring children get educated. They offer the necessary help in the form of advice, motivation and the relevant support r equired of them. An educated person is an individual who makes out something useful from the knowledge and skill they have been exposed to. In a larger sense, an educated person is one who can relate to life situations (Biesta, 82). An educated person would be one who scans for perfection, one who does not underestimate things, one who is worried about individuals and things around him or her. An educated person has the following characteristics: Has a profound and bona fide sympathy, endeavoring to comprehend others, with the capacity to withhold their particular judgment until the point when they are confident that they do get it; Is delicate to the mental, physical, moral and social milieu in which they end up, demonstrating admiration and minding regularly (Peters, 45); Has an unmistakable comprehension of his or her own esteems, needs and inclinations without wishing to force these on others; Is autonomous, inside the requirements of shared living, in real life and thought, assuming liability for the well-being and prosperity of their body and their psyche; Comprehends the connectedness of everything on the planet, and even in the universe, thus acts dependable in all that they do the motto think universally, act locally applies here; Is harmonious, implying that the individual will be agreeable in their skin, ready to recognize their own particular emotions and the sentiments of others without loftiness (Peters, 116). Philosopher Christopher Phillips said, â€Å"I think an astounding human advancement do share certain traits: they are forward-looking. They are perceptive of how their activities affect others. Not directly today, but rather in coming eras, and endeavor to act in ways that will improve the lives of people and social orders of today, as well as without bounds and not only the following maybe a couple or five eras, however the next hundred and thousand and ten thousand periods. According to John Dewey, â€Å"Education has no end beyond itself.† There is no specific limit to be considered as well educated. However, there are recognizable aspects and related esteems required to end up noticeably well learned. The meaning expands upon the primary elements in the accompanying ways: It depicts and exhibits a creative model for an all-encompassing and coordinated approach to quality education and deep rooted adapting by and large by creating innovative practices. This is because values educate towards global comprehension and a culture of peace. It incorporates the esteeming procedure, with down to earth illustrations and modules for use by educators and teachers. Additionally, education offers an integrated system of center esteems as aides for coming to our maximum capacity as total individuals in every one of our measurements. Consequently empowering us to build up the mettle, intelligence and initiative qualities required, to contribute usefully toward s building a culture of peace in each setting in which we find ourselves.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Criminal Profiling, A Powerful Tool Essay - 1200 Words

Criminal profiling can be a rather useful tool for criminal investigators of all kinds. Many departments use profiling to catch terrorists, gangs, cyber-crimes, counter intelligence, white collar crimes, and most of all serial killers. How criminal profiling works is by looking at the behavior of the criminal to gain insight into his or her personality. A doctor does the same thing when looking at symptoms to diagnose a certain disease. Being able to understand this person’s personality leads you one step closer to catching him or her. The history of profiling starts as early as the 1800s. Criminal profiling is what it is today because of the contributions of those investigators of that time. The first documented case that profiling†¦show more content†¦There were no clear signs of forced entry which means the suspect had been in the house before and knew his way around. The time that the kidnappers said they would call came and went, which should have been a big c lue that something was wrong. The house was then completely searched and in the basement the body of JonBenet was found. JonBenet’s body was found with her hands over her head with a cord, along with a cord around her neck. She was covered up with a white blanket with duct tape on her mouth. The fact that she was covered means that the suspect felt some kind of remorse for what they did. It could have been someone that JonBenet knew. Now the autopsy confirmed how she was murdered. It was confirmed that she died by strangulation along with blunt force trauma to the head and some trauma to the vaginal tissue. Drawing from the information on the autopsy we may conclude that someone brought JonBenet down to the basement to sexually assault her and took it too far. The suspect may have gotten angry with her which is why there was bruising on her face and neck. Once she was dead the suspect may have freaked out and decided to make a ransom note and hide the body to cover up the cr ime. Now there was a lot of other evidence that was gathered at the scene of the crime along with examples of both parents handwriting to compare to the ransom note. Then we look at the victim’s life. JonBenet was homeschooled but did participate in pageants which putShow MoreRelatedCriminal Intelligence and Violent Crime Essay1094 Words   |  5 PagesUniversity Introduction Criminal intelligence analysis is useful in many areas to law enforcement. It is especially useful in apprehending violent criminals and preventing violent crimes. Violent crimes in the United States have been on a moderate decline over the past decade. This decline has been attributed to the crime analysis intelligence used by law enforcement. 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Actor-Network Theory in Education

Question: Critical grasp of actor network theory and some additional concepts from the module. Work includes contemporary debates, issues and discussions. Links are successfully. Discussed between the news stories and the computing assemblage. Accurate Harvard referencing. Answer: Introduction In this essay two computing news have been studied and analyzed using the principles of Actor Network theory. The news has been taken from the database of news lying in the period of 1st January 2016 to 31st March 2016. In both the stories, there is a network being impacted by one or more actants. The terms actant and network are key terms of ANT. The analysis shows that Actant can be human or non-human and both are of equal importance. The theory does not differentiate between society and nature, true and false, content and context, micro and macro levels, agency and structure, etc. but treats everything as a result of collective activities that are networked together with heterogeneous elements amalgamated together. It identifies these elements as actors that can be textual, conceptual, social and technical. Actor Network Theory Actor Network Theory (ANT) is a conceptual framework that explores socio-technological processes suggesting that scientific work is not much different from the work of social activities. This theory doesnt favor any one of realism or social constructivism views but believes in juxtaposition of social, technical, textual and conceptual processes bringing transformations. Act on Act on Humans ANT does not differentiate between a non-human entity and human entity on the basis of ontology. ANT states that non-human entities are equally important in the network and not completely controlled by human actants. Act on Material Environment ANT usually describes the infrastructure of assemblage i.e. assemblage. It focuses on the formation and breaking of the network. Act on Cultures ANT has also been used in preforming research on stability of assemblage hence is considered to impact the quality and complexity of the systems. Story 1: Apple co-founder criticises company over Apple Watch In this story, Wonziac expresses his dissatisfaction with the product development approach that is taken by Tim Cook as the CEO of the Apple organization. He believed in the capability of the company to innovate and come up with unique products in the times when Steve Jobs was heading the organization but the new approach in which all watches products look similar with only differences in colors and the designs, Wonziac compares the same with a jewelry business claiming that the brand is losing its originality and innovation as a capability. This story suggests how technological transformations are affected by the social concerns. The actants in this story include the people that are Steve Jobs, Tim Cook and Wozniak, texts that include the promotional campaigns and news coverage provided to the concerns, material that is the technology used for the watch as a product that is newly launched by Apple, and conceptual actants that include the company values and process that were established by the organization. According to the theory, this story can be seen as a network formed out of these elements such that they are juxtaposed to affect the collective activity. For instance, Steve Jobs is an actant as per theory who has affected the social as well as material side of the organization by establishing processes while Wonziak as an individual actor agrees with this processes by disagrees with the approaches taken by Tim Cook who is another actant as per the theory. There are different nodes and links that can be identified in the story to be forming the network that is a mix of all identified elements. These nodes include three individuals including Tim Cook, Steve Jobs and Wonziak, technological element that is the watch, conceptual element that is the innovation streak of the organization as well as Apple as a brand and textual element in the form of promotional exposure the new product is getting in the media. Connections or links can be made between these different categories of elements such as: Steve Jobs can be linked to the innovative streak of Apple Tim Cook can be connected to the innovation again while he aims to make changes in the regular approach set by Steve Jobs Apple brand as an actant can be connected with every other element affecting every decision that is taken by any other actant of the network Apple as a brand and as an organization collectively is responsible for producing the apple watch and thus, a direct connection can be established between the two actants. The products produced by Apple were affected by the position of the CEO such that when Steve Jobs was heading the division, the products manufactured were innovative, unique and with rich functionalities for its customers while when the same division is head by Tim Cook, the approach to product development changes such that the products are more focused on the price points that are significant and the users who would be buying the same would be concerned more about the status rather than the innovative features that were provided by Apple products at the time it was headed by Steve Jobs. Culture scale In the story, the resulting assemblage formed out of all these elements is the Apple Watch Market that is newly formed from the four types of elements that include Tim Cook who is the core decision maker of production, Apple brand which brings out the associations of status with users, the textual messages disbursed by the actants like Wonziac who has a negative view of the product and the technological capabilities of the organization. This assemblage would affect how the product would perform in the market. Story 2: Your selfish driving is making urban congestion worse This story talks about a plan of local authorities in different countries that are used for reducing traffic congestion on busy streets of the cities. USA demands road users to diversify their routes such that getting to destination becomes faster for everyone together. OpenStreetMaps are used by them for analyzing journeys of road users using mobile phone data sets called CDRs such that their movements, timestamps, starting and ending points of the time can be identified using real time GPS data. It was found by researchers of University of Birmingham that 15-30 minutes out of total day commute is lost due to bad routing and thus 30 % less time can be spend in congestion if routing is right. This would however require drivers to adjust routes for benefits of others such that numbers of drivers who get benefited are more than the number of drivers making sacrifices. Smart phone applications can be used for identification of optimum routes by these drivers aimed to reduce congestion. Autonomous vehicles can be used for making self-adjustments to routes for reducing congestion in future. In this story, actants can be clearly identified as be textual, conceptual, social and technical including social actors that are drivers, traffic control authorities and regular commuters of the cities using the network. Technical actors would include the GPS systems, OpenStreeMaps, CDRs, mobile applications, and autonomous cars. Textual actants would include the promotional campaigns, media messages that are displaced for creating awareness about the congestion in the drivers as well as the messages that are displayed by the technological applications for making them aware of the best routing options for the travel. As per the theory, various kinds can be established between these actants such as : The drivers that make the social actants are affected by the technological actants that include cars, mobile applications such that they would chose the appropriate routes for their travel. Compromise of the drivers in the use of applications and routes that are the technological actants would also affect other social drivers by making it easy for them to commute thereby reducing the congestion on the road, The textual messages spread by the authorities on the awareness of the congestion and use of optimized routes for travelling would affect both technical capabilities as more applications would be used or developed as well as autonomous cards would gain visibility as well as the social connections or actants that include other drivers who would gain control over their time taken for travel as well as the time spend in the congestion. Cultural Scale On the culture scale, the story identifies that drivers do impact the road network. All these actants form the assemblage that is formed from drivers, technological applications, materials like cars, and the capabilities of authorities in convincing drivers of making use of the best routing and comprising for the benefit of whole society that is the part of the assemblage. This will result in reducing the congestion by considerable level. Knowledge Scale On the knowledge scale, the story states that alternate and short routing mechanism do reduce the congestion and having good knowledge of online maps can facilitate them to contribute more in reducing the congestion. Enhancing Management On the basis of analysis of two computing news, it can be stated that technologies do enhance the working of the actants. In story 2, several other technologies for example: self driving cars, can also be used in addition to current maps. Driverless cars can help in estimating short routes to reduce the congestion level. Issues raised by Contemporary Computing On the basis of analysis of two computing stories, it can be depicted that human behavior does get affected by the introduction of phones and new technologies. This results because of the increase in dependency level among them. Contemporary computing indeed helps the facilitating communication between both the sides but it does affect the human neural competency as it leads to inputting more data than it can be used. The main reason of contemporary computing to remain in our daily is the amount of feedback obtained through it. Conclusion It was found that the various actants work together on the performance of the assemblage that includes nodes in the forms of the individual actants and the connections that take forward the assemblage to perform at a certain level. Various actants appear to be different and disconnected with each other while performing their own activities but when forming the whole assemblage, they get affected by each other. For instance, in case of the Apple story, the social actant that was Tim Cook affected how the products were developed and promoted while the technological capabilities of the organization affected how the brand was seen in the eyes of social actors that included the users of the Apple devices. In the similar manner, in the story of congestion, the social actants including drivers and commuters on the road were affected by technological elements like cars, GPS, CDS, mobile applications that affect the way routes are chosen by social actors that include drivers. References Fenwick, T. and Edwards, R. (2010).Actor-network theory in education. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Fenwick, T. and Edwards, R. (2012).Researching Education Through Actor-Network Theory. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. Hern, A. (2016).Apple co-founder criticises company over Apple Watch. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2016]. Wired UK. (2016).Taking 'socially-aware' GPS routes could improve congestion (Wired UK). [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2016].